Hollywood Rising-Star Award, Lucy Boynton


The Hol­ly­wood Ris­ing-Star Award was inau­gu­rat­ed in 2011 by the Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val to com­mend the tal­ent, pas­sion, and involve­ment of actors and actress­es start­ing on the path to cre­ation. These emerg­ing per­form­ers are the faces of tomor­row’s cin­e­ma. In our past edi­tions, Ryan Gosling (2011), Jes­si­ca Chas­tain (2011), Paul Dano (2012), Robert Pat­tin­son (2015), Eliz­a­beth Olsen (2015), Chloé Grace Moretz (2016), Daniel Rad­cliffe (2016), Shai­lene Wood­ley (2018), Elle Fan­ning (2018), Sophie Turn­er (2019) and Dylan Penn (2021) received this award.

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