Dylan Penn — Hollywood Rising-Star Award

The Hol­ly­wood Ris­ing-Star Award was inau­gu­rat­ed in 2011 by the Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val to com­mend the tal­ent, pas­sion, and involve­ment of actors and actress­es start­ing on the path to cre­ation. These emerg­ing per­form­ers are the faces of tomor­row’s cinema.

In our past edi­tions, Ryan Gosling (2011), Jes­si­ca Chas­tain (2011), Paul Dano (2012), Robert Pat­tin­son (2015), Eliz­a­beth Olsen (2015), Chloé Grace Moretz (2016), Daniel Rad­cliffe (2016), Shai­lene Wood­ley (2018), Elle Fan­ning (2018) and Sophie Turn­er (2019) received this award. This year, The Hol­ly­wood Ris­ing-Star Award goes to Dylan Penn.

Dylan Penn is an Amer­i­can mod­el and actress. She is the daugh­ter of renowned actors Sean Penn and Robin Wright. Although orig­i­nal­ly born in Los Ange­les her par­ents decid­ed to move and raise her in Ross, a small town in North­ern Cal­i­for­nia. They want­ed Dylan to live a life away from the young Hol­ly­wood scene.

At age 23 Dylan has become one of the most sought after mod­els and mus­es for top design­ers and pho­tog­ra­phers across the world. She has secured major cam­paigns for Erman­no Scervi­no, The Hip Tee in Madrid, Stu­art Wetiz­man, The Gap, and most recent­ly Michael Kors. Her cov­ers include TREATS! pho­tographed by Tony Duran, Ital­ian Glam­our along­side top mod­el and actor Jon Kor­ta­jare­na shot by Cliff Watts, L’Officiel Italia shot by Nick Hud­son, Tatler Mag­a­zine shot by Yut­sai, and most recent­ly she is on the cov­er and has a 46 page spread in Jalouse Mag­a­zine styled exclu­sive­ly by Chanel and pho­tographed by WAFLA who are known for direct­ing the world famous video for ‘Hap­py’ by Phar­rell. This past show sea­son Dylan was flown to Paris at the request of Karl Lager­feld to sit front row at his cov­et­ed Paris Chanel cou­ture fash­ion show. In addi­tion to appear­ing in Ital­ian Vogue (by Michel Comte), she has been fea­tured in Amer­i­can VOGUE three times, one shot by Patrick Demarche­li­er, Nor­man Jean Roy, and most recent­ly 10 pages pho­tographed by Mario Testi­no. Dylan has fea­tures in Amer­i­can ELLE shot by Cedric Buchet, Ital­ian Van­i­ty Fair shot by Stew­art Shin­ing, and V Mag­a­zine shot by Chad Pitman.

This year, the young actress appears in Flag Day, in which she plays the lead role under the direc­tion of her father, with whom she also acts. Adapt­ed from the Jen­nifer Vogel nov­el “Flim-Flam Man: A True Fam­i­ly His­to­ry”, the film, pre­sent­ed in Deauville, is a por­trait of a young woman strug­gling to heal from the wounds of her past while rebuild­ing her rela­tion­ship with her father.

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