Discover the Juries!

Pho­tos : Benoit Mag­imel © Arno Lam — Charlette Stu­dio / Ludi­vine Sag­nier © Denis Boulze / Agathe Riedinger © Romain Rach­lin / Damien Bon­nard © Marie Rouge / Mar­tin Bour­boulon © Arno Lam
  • Benoit Mag­imel - Pres­i­dent (Actor)
  • Ludi­vine Sag­nier (Actress)
  • Émi­lie Dequenne (Actress)
  • Agathe Riedinger (Direc­tor, Screen­writer & Photographer
  • Damien Bon­nard (Actor)
  • Lou Lam­pros (Actress)
  • Mar­tin Bour­boulon (Direc­tor & Screenwriter)


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