Mak­ing dis­cov­er­ies is use­less­ly pride­ful, it is humbly bear­ing wit­ness that falls to the ser­vants of cin­e­ma. For 25 years, we have endeav­ored to do the lat­ter by trans­mit­ting to audi­ences and pro­fes­sion­als our pas­sion for the best of Amer­i­can cin­e­ma, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the Deauville Com­pe­ti­tion, fea­tur­ing an unpar­al­leled inven­to­ry. We mea­sure a tree by its fruits, and all we can do is love the tree and hope for great works. Our fruits are our award-win­ners and the hope of dis­cov­ery. This 2021 selec­tion con­veys today’s con­vul­sions and the legit­i­mate and grow­ing anx­i­ety of film­mak­ers. This com­pe­ti­tion is shot through with laugh­ter, fear, vio­lence, voyeurism and some­times noble sen­ti­ments, all trans­lat­ing the emo­tions of our cur­rent times.

BLUE BAYOU by Justin Chon
CATCH THE FAIR ONE by Josef Kub­o­ta Wladyka
DOWN WITH THE KING by Diego Ongaro
JOHN AND THE HOLE by Pas­cual Sisto
THE NIGHT HOUSE by David Bruckner
PIG by Michael Sarnoski
PLEASURE by Nin­ja Thyberg
RED ROCKET by Sean Baker
THE LAST SON by Tim Sutton
THE NOVICE by Lau­ren Hadaway
WE ARE LIVING THINGS by Anto­nio Tibaldi
WE BURN LIKE THIS by Alana Waksman

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