Zita Hanrot



“When you are lucky enough to choose the roles you will be play­ing, you have respon­si­bil­i­ties. You have to be fair in your choic­es, and towards yourself.”

Stu­dent at the Nation­al Acad­e­my of Dra­mat­ic Arts from 2011 to 2014, Zita Han­rot made sev­er­al on-screen appear­ances dur­ing this time, most notably in Romain Levy’s Radiostars and Mia Hansen-Løve’s Eden. She was then scout­ed by Philippe Fau­con, who cast her in the lead role of Nes­rine in Fati­ma, for which she won the César Award for Most Promis­ing Actress in 2016. She starred then in three films: Jérémie and Yan­nick Renier’s thriller Car­ni­vores, Patri­cia Mazuy’s dra­mat­ic com­e­dy Paul Sanchez Is Back!, and above all, Marie Garel-Weiss’ fea­ture debut The Party’s Over, in a wide­ly-her­ald­ed per­for­mance. In 2019, she starred in David Roux’s Breath of Life, and lent her voice to Zabou Bre­it­man and Eléa Gobbé-Mévellec’s ani­mat­ed fea­ture The Swal­lows of Kab­ul, screened at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val in the Un Cer­tain Regard sec­tion. She also pre­sent­ed her first short film as a direc­tor, Mama Fish, in the Ada­mi Cannes Tal­ents col­lec­tion. That same year, she played the lead role in Grand Corps Malade and Meh­di Idir’s new film School Life. Since 2018, she has played the role of Elsa on the hit Net­flix series The Hookup Plan. She will soon appear in Farid Bentoumi’s Red Soil, pre­sent­ed this year at Deauville.

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