Yolande Zauberman

Director, Screenwriter, Producer


A mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary artist, Yolande Zauber­man is a unique voice in French cin­e­ma. Her always-inti­mate work shines light in the shad­ows, breaks taboos, encour­ages free speech. In 1987, she direct­ed her first doc­u­men­tary fea­ture on apartheid, Clas­si­fied Peo­ple. The film was released the­atri­cal­ly and broad­cast in 13 coun­tries. Caste crim­inelle fol­lowed in 1989, select­ed by the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val. Three years lat­er, she made her first nar­ra­tive fea­ture, Ivan & Abra­ham, select­ed as clos­ing night film at Direc­tors’ Fort­night and win­ner of awards around the world (Cannes Film Fes­ti­val Youth Prize, Gold­en St. George in Moscow, among oth­ers). In 2011, Would You Have Sex with an Arab? was select­ed for the Venice Film Fes­ti­val. Her lat­est film M, released the­atri­cal­ly in France last March, received no less than eight prizes (2020 César for Best Doc­u­men­tary Film, Locarno Film Fes­ti­val Spe­cial Jury Prize, Namur Bayard d’Or, Gold­en Pan­da in Mex­i­co, and more). Yolande Zauber­man is cur­rent­ly prep­ping three films, La Belle de Gaza, L’Amant Pales­tinien and La Main bleue.

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