Vanessa Paradis

Singer, Actress


A singing child prodi­gy, she made her stun­ning film debut in Jean-Claude Brisseau’s White Wed­ding, for which she received the Most Promis­ing Actress César and the Romy Schnei­der Prize. Her daz­zling intro­duc­tion didn’t stop there, far from it. Some 30 direc­tors have called upon her since (Patrice Lecon­te, Yann Gon­za­lez, Jean-Marc Val­lée, John Tur­tur­ro, Jean Beck­er, Sharunas Bar­tas, Samuel Benchetrit…). On the music side, with 7 albums and 3 Vic­toire de la Musique awards, in French as well as Eng­lish, Vanes­sa Par­adis has inspired the great­est com­posers: from Serge Gains­bourg to Matthieu Che­did by way of Alain Bashung, Éti­enne Roda-Gil, Lenny Kravitz and so many others…

As a mem­ber of the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val jury in 2015, she sharp­ened her cin­e­mat­ic gaze under jury pres­i­dent George Miller… A pre­mo­ni­tion for Deauville? Vanes­sa Par­adis has that unique gift of the great­est actors, to blend into the uni­verse of those artists who direct her, always with humil­i­ty and a sin­gu­lar voice.

Images of her singing the refrain of “The Whirl­wind of Life” live in front of Jeanne More­au at the 48th Cannes Film Fes­ti­val open­ing cer­e­mo­ny were a feast for our eyes and memories.


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