Toby Genkel & Sean McCormack



Toby Genkel has been work­ing for more than 20 years in the ani­ma­tion indus­try as sto­ry­board­er and design­er. He also co-direct­ed sev­er­al ani­mat­ed films such as Ooops! Noah is Gone… (2015), with Sean McCor­ma­ck, A Stork’s Jour­ney (2017), and Yakari (2020).
Sean McCor­ma­ck began to work as 2D and 3D ani­ma­tor, before becom­ing ani­ma­tion direc­tor and screen­writer. He co-direct­ed with Toby Genkel Ooops! Noah is Gone… (2015), then co-wrote and co-direct­ed Luis & the Aliens (2018).

2020 Ooops! The Adven­ture Con­tin­ues… 2015 Ooops! Noah Is Gone…

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