Thomas Cailley



After com­plet­ing film stud­ies in the screen­writ­ing depart­ment of La Fémis, Thomas Cail­ley direct­ed the short film Paris Shang­hai (2011) which was award­ed in many film fes­ti­vals. His fea­ture debut Love at First Fight was a crit­i­cal and pub­lic suc­cess. Pre­miered and award­ed at the Direc­tors’ Fort­night in 2014, it won the fol­low­ing year three César Awards, includ­ing Best First Film. Direct­ed for Arte, his first TV series Ad Vitam was select­ed at the Toron­to Film Fes­ti­val and won Best French Series of the year at Séries Mania in 2018. The Ani­mal King­dom, pre­sent­ed this year as the open­ing film of Un Cer­tain Regard at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val is his sec­ond fea­ture film as director.

2023 The Ani­mal Kingdom 

2014 Love at First Fight

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