Sydney Pollack



Born in 1934 in Lafayette, Indi­ana, he began an act­ing career before direct­ing in 1965 his first fea­ture film The Slen­der Thread. He then direct­ed 18 films, total­iz­ing 46 nom­i­na­tions for an Acad­e­my Award, includ­ing three for Best Direc­tor. He died in Los Ange­les in 2008.

2005 The Inter­preter 1999 Ran­dom Hearts 1995 Sab­ri­na 1993 The Firm 1990 Havana 1985 Out of Africa 1982 Toot­sie 1981 Absence of Mal­ice 1979 The Elec­tric Horse­man 1977 Bob­by Deer­field 1975 Three Days of the Con­dor 1974 Yakuza 1973 The Way We Were 1972 Jere­mi­ah John­son 1969 They Shoot Hors­es, Don’t They? 1969 Cas­tle Keep 1968 The Scal­phunters 1966 This Prop­er­ty Is Con­demned 1965 The Slen­der Thread

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