Stephen Kijak



He has been mak­ing crit­i­cal­ly acclaimed films for over 25 years, doc­u­ment­ing an eclec­tic playlist of musi­cal icons and leg­ends such as David Bowie, Scott Walk­er, The Rolling Stones, The Back­street Boys, Jaco Pas­to­rius, X Japan, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Judy Gar­land. His first doc­u­men­tary series, Equal, about the decades-long fight for LGBTQ rights debuted on HBO Max in 2020 and his first nar­ra­tive fea­ture in 20 years, Shoplifters of the World, based entire­ly around the music of icon­ic British band The Smiths, was released the year after.

2023 Rock Hud­son: All That Heav­en Allowed — doc 

2021 Shoplifters of the World

2019 Sid & Judy — doc

2018 If I Leave Tomor­row: A Film About Lynyrd Skynyrd — doc 

2016 We Are X — doc 

2015 Jaco — doc 

2015 Back­street Boys: Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of — doc 

2010 Stones in Exile — doc 

2006 Scott Walk­er: 30 Cen­tu­ry Man — doc 

2002 Cin­e­ma­nia — doc 

1996 Nev­er Met Picasso

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