Stéphane Bak



Con­sid­ered to be France’s youngest come­di­an, Stéphane Bak began appear­ing on small Paris stages in 2010. He took part in the 2011 Mon­treux Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val and went on stage for sev­er­al com­e­dy char­i­ty events. In 2013, he made his film debut in Antho­ny Marciano’s The Brats and took part in Pierre-François Martin-Laval’s film Ser­i­al Teach­ers. He appeared on sev­er­al TV shows, like “Le Grand Jour­nal” on Canal+ and “L’Émission pour tous” on France 2. After film­ing Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar’s Once in a Life­time in 2014, he per­formed along­side Isabelle Hup­pert in direc­tor Paul Verhoeven’s Elle (2016). He then played roles in Christophe Barratier’s Team Spir­it (2016), David Moreau’s Alone (2017), Sebas­t­ian Schipper’s Roads (2018) and André Téchiné’s Farewell to the Night (2019). In 2018, Stéphane Bak played the lead in Joël Karekezi’s first film, The Mer­cy of the Jun­gle, pre­sent­ed at the Toron­to Film Fes­ti­val, which select­ed him as one of its “2018 Ris­ing Stars.” He then appeared in Wes Anderson’s The French Dis­patch (2021), fol­lowed by Olivi­er Peyon’s Tokyo Shak­ing along­side Karin Viard (2021), and slipped into the skin of the pro­tag­o­nist in Robert Guédiguian’s Danc­ing the Twist in Bamako (2021). In 2022, the actor joined the cast of Cédric Jimenez’s Novem­ber before shoot­ing Léonor Serraille’s Moth­er and Son. This year, he once again dubs the voice of Miles Morales, the main char­ac­ter in the ani­mat­ed film Spi­der-Man: Across the Spi­der-Verse, and rejoins André Téch­iné in Soul Mates, as well as Wes Ander­son in Aster­oid City.

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