Sean Penn



Icon­ic Amer­i­can actor whose career spans more than 40 years, he was nom­i­nat­ed five times for the Acad­e­my Award for Best Actor and won two: in 2003 for Clint Eastwood’s Mys­tic Riv­er, and in 2009 for Gus Van Sant’s Har­vey Milk. In 1991, he wrote and direct­ed his fea­ture debut The Indi­an Run­ner. He then made Cross­ing Guard which he pre­sent­ed him­self at Deauville in 2005. Into the Wild land­ed two 2008 Acad­e­my Awards nom­i­na­tions. Flag Day is his sixth fea­ture film.

2021 Flag Day 2016 The Last Face 2007 Into the Wild 2001 The Pledge 1995 The Cross­ing Guard 1991 The Indi­an Runner

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