Pierre Deladonchamps



Pierre Deladon­champs stud­ied dra­mat­ic arts under San­drine Gironde in his home­town of Nan­cy. In 2001, he enrolled in the Cours Flo­rent, then appeared on such TV shows as Famille d’accueil, Spi­ral and Night Squad. In 2013, he played the lead role in Alain Guiraudie’s Stranger by the Lake, pre­sent­ed in Un Cer­tain Regard. He won the Most Promis­ing Actor César for his per­for­mance the fol­low­ing year. The actor went on to shoot Philippe Claudel’s A Child­hood (2015), Philippe Lioret’s A Kid (2016), which earned him a Best Actor César nom­i­na­tion, André Téchiné’s Gold­en Years (2017), Christophe Honoré’s Sor­ry Angel (2018), Andréa Bescond and Éric Métayer’s Lit­tle Tick­les (2018), Valérie Donzelli’s Notre Dame (2019), Peter Dourountzis’ Ras­cal (2020) and most recent­ly, Mar­tin Bourboulon’s Eif­fel (2021). He also reg­u­lar­ly treads the boards, per­form­ing in such plays as Tom Stoppard’s “The Real Inspec­tor Hound” and this year’s “Les Amants de la com­mune” by Lau­rent Sea­sick at the Antoine The­ater. He will next appear on screen in Kil­ian Riedhof’s You Will Not Have My Hate, Mélis­sa Drigeard’s Hawaii and Jean-Paul Salomé’s The Sit­ting Duck.

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