Philippe Garnier


Born in 1949, Philippe Gar­nier has lived in Los Ange­les for 40 years. He has been a cor­re­spon­dent for “Libéra­tion” since 1982, and also con­tributed to the show “Ciné­ma, Ciné­mas” for 10 years. As a trans­la­tor, Gar­nier intro­duced France to many authors, such as Charles Bukows­ki, John Fante, James Crum­ley and James Salter. Gar­nier is also the author of eight books, includ­ing two on clas­sic Hol­ly­wood cin­e­ma, “Hon­ni soit qui Mal­ibu” (1996) (pub­lished in Eng­lish in 2020 as “Scoundrels & Spit­ballers: Writ­ers and Hol­ly­wood in the 1930s”) and “Car­ac­tères” (2006).

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