Olivia Wilde



Born in 1984 in New York, she is a direc­tor, actress, pro­duc­er, and activist. She act­ed on Broad­way, but also starred in tele­vi­sion shows and films, such as Joseph Kosinski’s Tron: Lega­cy (2010), Ron Howard’s Rush (2013) or Clint Eastwood’s Richard Jew­ell (2019). Her 2019 direc­to­r­i­al debut Books­mart became a beloved gen­er­a­tional anthem and won many prizes, includ­ing the Audi­ence Award at the San Fran­cis­co Film Fes­ti­val, the Inde­pen­dent Spir­it Award for Best First Fea­ture, and var­i­ous nom­i­na­tions for the Gotham and Crit­ics’ Choice Awards. Don’t Wor­ry Dar­ling is her sec­ond fea­ture film as a director.

2022 Don’t Wor­ry Dar­ling

2019 Books­mart

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