Oliver Stone



Born in New York, he is known all over the world since the 1970s for his works as an award-win­ning direc­tor and screen­writer. He won in par­tic­u­lar the Acad­e­my Award for Best Adapt­ed Screen­play for Mid­night Express direct­ed by Alan Park­er (1978), and the one for Best Direc­tor for Pla­toon (1986) and Born on the 4th of July (1989).

2022 Nuclear Now — doc

2021  JFK Revis­it­ed: Through the Look­ing Glass — doc

2016 Snowden

2012 Sav­ages

2010 Wall Street: Mon­ey Nev­er Sleeps

2008 W. : L’Improbable Prési­dent W.

2006 World Trade Center

2004 Alexander

1999 Any Giv­en Sunday

1997 U‑Turn

1995 Nixon

1994 Nat­ur­al Born Killers

1993 Heav­en & Earth

1991 JFK

1991 The Doors

1989 Born on the 4th of July

1988 Talk Radio

1987 Wall Street

1986 Platoon

1986 Salvador

1981 The Hand

1974 La Reine du mal Seizure

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