Emilia Clarke



After grad­u­at­ing from the Dra­ma Cen­tre Lon­don, Clarke began her career with a guest-lead­ing role in the BBC series Doc­tors. She made her Broad­way debut in 2013 as ‘Hol­ly Golight­ly’ in the stage adap­ta­tion of Tru­man Capote’s clas­sic 1958 novel­la, “Break­fast at Tiffany’s”. In 2022, she made her West End stage debut in Anya Reiss’ adap­ta­tion of Anton Chekhov’s “The Seag­ull”. Open­ing to rave reviews, she por­trayed ‘Nina’ in direc­tor Jamie Lloyd’s stag­ing of the Chekhov clas­sic at the Harold Pin­ter Theatre.

Clarke is per­haps best known for her role as the icon­ic ‘Daen­erys Tar­garyen’ on the HBO award win­ning series Game of Thrones. Over the course of the series, Clarke gar­nered four Emmy nom­i­na­tions and three Crit­ics Choice nom­i­na­tions for her por­tray­al of the beloved ‘Moth­er of Dragons’. 

On the big screen, she last starred in Paul Feig’s roman­tic dram­e­dy, Last Christ­mas, along­side Hen­ry Gold­ing and Emma Thomp­son. Writ­ten by Thomp­son and play­wright Bry­ony Kim­mings, the sto­ry fol­lows Kate (Clarke), who works as an elf in a year-round Christ­mas shop, and her unlike­ly romance with Tom (Gold­ing) that seems too good to be true. The film was a box office suc­cess, gross­ing over $100 mil­lion dollars. 

Oth­er notable cred­its include Solo: A Star Wars Sto­ry direct­ed by Ron Howard; Me Before You, the screen adap­ta­tion of Jojo Moyes best-sell­ing nov­el of the same name, which grossed over 208 mil­lion world­wide. Clarke also por­trayed the icon­ic role of ‘Sarah Con­nor’ in Alan Taylor’s Ter­mi­na­tor Genisys, a pre­quel to the pop­u­lar box-office fran­chise, oppo­site Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger. In addi­tion, she co-starred in Richard Shepard’s Dom Hem­ing­way oppo­site Jude Law and Spike Island direct­ed by Mat Whitecross. 

Recent­ly, she pub­lished her first com­ic book “M.O.M.: Moth­er of Mad­ness” with Image Comics. The three-issue minis­eries, co-writ­ten by Mar­guerite Ben­nett with art from Leila Leiz, cen­ters on a busy sin­gle mom named Maya whose life is upend­ed by the dis­cov­ery of super­pow­ers and uses them to take on a secret cabal of human traffickers.

In 2019, Clarke launched SameY­ou, a char­i­ty aimed at rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing recov­ery for young adults fol­low­ing brain injury and stroke. SameY­ou focus­es on post-surgery/­post hos­pi­tal care when treat­ment and recov­ery resources are often lack­ing, as well as pro­vid­ing grants and advo­ca­cy sup­port to urge lead­ers to pri­or­i­tize and improve neu­ro recov­ery care for young adults after brain injury and stroke.

Clarke could recent­ly be seen star­ring in Marvel’s lim­it­ed series Secret Inva­sion based on the Skrull-cen­tric com­ic book arc of the same name. She appeared oppo­site Samuel L. Jack­son, Olivia Col­man, and Kings­ley Ben-Adir. She can also be seen in the upcom­ing sci-fi dra­ma The Pod Gen­er­a­tion direct­ed by Sophie Barthes, oppo­site Chi­we­tel Ejiofor.

2023 The Pod Gen­er­a­tion Sophie Barthes *

Secret Inva­sion – TV

2019 Last Christ­mas Paul Feig

Above Sus­pi­cion Phillip Noyce

2018 Solo: A Star Wars Sto­ry Ron Howard

2017 Voice from the Stone Eric D. Howell

2016 Me Before You Thea Shar­rock

Robot Chick­en – TV

2015 Ter­mi­na­tor Genisys Alan Taylor

2013 Dom Hem­ing­way Richard Shepard

2012 Spike Island Mat White­cross

2011–2019 Game of Thrones – TV 

2010 Tri­as­sic Attack Col­in Fer­gu­son – TV

2009 Doc­tors — TV

* Also pro­duc­er

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