Nicolas Pariser

Director, Screenwriter


After study­ing law, phi­los­o­phy, art his­to­ry and cin­e­ma, Nico­las Paris­er became a film crit­ic in the ear­ly 2000s for the mag­a­zine “Sofa,” then worked with Pierre Rissient for four years. In 2008, he direct­ed his first short film, Le Jour où Ségolène a gag­né, and con­tin­ued the polit­i­cal theme with La République (2009), win­ner of numer­ous awards includ­ing the 2010 Jean Vigo Prize. His next short film, Agit Pop (2013), was a Cannes Inter­na­tion­al Crit­ics’ Week selec­tion. He went on to write and direct The Great Game, his first fea­ture film, which was select­ed by the 2015 Locarno Film Fes­ti­val and received the Louis-Del­luc Prize for a first fea­ture. Alice and the May­or came next in 2019, a film select­ed by Cannes Direc­tors’ Fort­night and which gar­nered Anaïs Demousti­er the César for Best Actress. He then joined the Arte series In Treat­ment, for which he direct­ed sev­er­al episodes. His most recent film, The Green Per­fume, was pre­sent­ed in this year’s Direc­tors’ Fort­night. A spy com­e­dy based on a mur­der at the Comédie-Française, the film was born out of the director’s desire to blend a Hergé com­ic book with a Hitch­cock film.

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