Mikhaël Hers

Director, Screenwriter


“I think we can also make films to fight against the pas­sage of time, to cre­ate a sem­blance of eter­ni­ty, with all that can be illusory.”

Mikhaël Hers first stud­ied econ­o­my before join­ing French film school La Fémis, which he grad­u­at­ed from in 2004. He then direct­ed three crit­i­cal­ly acclaimed medi­um-length films: Charell, select­ed at the 2006 Crit­ics’ Week, Prim­rose Hill, select­ed at the 2007 Crit­ics’ Week, and Mont­par­nasse, select­ed and award­ed at the 2009 Direc­tors’ Fort­night, and win­ner of the Prix Jean Vigo. After Mem­o­ry Lane, select­ed at the 2010 Locarno Film Fes­ti­val, This Sum­mer Feel­ing, select­ed at the 2016 Rot­ter­dam Film Fes­ti­val, and Aman­da, select­ed at the 2018 Venice Bien­nale and win­ner of the 2018 Tokyo Film Fes­ti­val Grand Prize, Les Pas­sagers de la nuit, his fourth fea­ture film, is cur­rent­ly in post-production.

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