Martin Bourboulon

Director, Screenwriter


After launch­ing his career with two hit come­dies, Dad­dy or Mom­my and its sequel, Mar­tin Bour­boulon ded­i­cat­ed him­self to an ambi­tious new project in 2021 with Eif­fel. Through the fic­tion­al­ized por­trait of the cel­e­brat­ed French engi­neer, por­trayed on screen by Romain Duris and accom­pa­nied by Emma Mack­ey, the film, blend­ing the tower’s epic con­struc­tion with the romance between these two char­ac­ters, broad­ened his hori­zons. In 2023, his two-part adap­ta­tion of Alexan­dre Dumas’ “The Three Mus­ke­teers” was released in cin­e­mas. With Eva Green as Mila­dy, François Civ­il as D’Artagnan, Vin­cent Cas­sel as Athos, Romain Duris as Aramis and Pio Mar­maï as Porthos, the two works attract­ed over 6 mil­lion view­ers in France. That same year, Mar­tin Bour­boulon col­lab­o­rat­ed on the series Carême, an Apple TV+ pro­duc­tion sched­uled for release in 2025, serv­ing as artis­tic pro­duc­er and prin­ci­pal direc­tor (episodes 1, 2 and 3). With In the Hell of Kab­ul: 13 Days, 13 Nights, his next, more con­tem­po­rary project, the direc­tor con­tin­ues explor­ing new film gen­res. Based on real events, the fea­ture will recount Oper­a­tion Apa­gan in Kab­ul in 2021, the incred­i­ble true sto­ry of the exfil­tra­tion of 3,000 peo­ple orga­nized by France after the Tal­iban took pow­er. Roschdy Zem will play police cap­tain Mohamed Bida, who led the operation.

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