Marina Hands of the Comédie-Française



Trained at the Paris Nation­al Supe­ri­or Con­ser­va­to­ry of Dra­mat­ic Arts and at the pres­ti­gious LAMDA in Eng­land, Mari­na Hands has been a pen­sion­naire at the Comédie-Française since 2020. In cin­e­ma, she won the 2007 Best Actress César for her per­for­mance in Pas­cale Ferran’s Lady Chat­ter­ley. She has also appeared in such films as, among oth­ers, Denys Arcand’s The Bar­bar­ian Inva­sions (2004), Guil­laume Canet’s Tell No One (2006), Julian Schnabel’s The Div­ing Bell and the But­ter­fly (2007), Chris­t­ian Duguay’s Jap­peloup (2013), Audrey Dana’s French Women (2014), Emmanuel Courcol’s The Big Hit (2020), Audrey Dana’s Men on the Verge of a Ner­vous Break­down (2022) and, most recent­ly, Chad Chenouga’s The Prin­ci­pal (2023). In the­ater, Mari­na Hands has per­formed Shake­speare, Racine, Chekhov and Hugo, under such direc­tors as Klaus-Michael Gru­ber, Patrice Chéreau, Yves Beaunesne and Luc Bondy. She won the Molière for Best Actress for her role in Pas­cal Rambert’s “Actress.” At the Comédie-Française, Mari­na Hands co-direct­ed, along with Serge Bag­das­sar­i­an, the musi­cal “Mais quelle comédie !” She has also appeared on stage in Shakespeare’s “King Lear” direct­ed by Thomas Oster­meier, and Molière’s “Tartuffe or the Hyp­ocrite” direct­ed by Ivo van Hove. On tele­vi­sion, she has appeared on Arte in the two sea­sons of Anne Berest and Fab­rice Gobert’s series Mytho­ma­ni­ac, for which she won the 2019 Series Mania Act­ing Prize, and on France 3 in the series Off Sea­son. Mari­na Hands will soon appear on the big screen in Émi­lie Deleuze’s 5 Hectares.

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