Marco Bellocchio



Born in Pia­cen­za, Italy, he began study­ing phi­los­o­phy at the Catholic Uni­ver­si­ty of Milan but then decid­ed to enter film school, first at the Cen­tro Sper­i­men­tale di Cin­e­matografia in Rome, then at the Slade School of Fine Art in Lon­don. His fea­ture debut Fists in the Pock­et was award­ed at the 1965 Locarno Film Fes­ti­val and gave him recog­ni­tion all over the world. In 2011, he received the Gold­en Lion for Life­time Achieve­ment at the Venice Film Fes­ti­val. Since then, numer­ous ret­ro­spec­tives of his works were held around the world, includ­ing New York, La Rochelle and London.

2023 Kid­napped

2021 Marx Can Wait 

2019 The Trai­tor

2016 Sweet Dreams

2015 Blood of My Blood 

2013 Dor­mant Beauty 

2010 Sorelle mai 

2009 Vincere 

2007 The Wed­ding Director 

2006 Sorelle

2004 Good Morn­ing, Night 

2002 Farewell to the Past 

2002 My Mother’s Smile 

1999 The Nan­ny

1997 The Prince of Hombourg 

1994 Le Rêve du papillon 

1992 The Con­vic­tion

1988 The Witch­es’ Sabbath 

1986 Dev­il in the Flesh 

1984 Hen­ri IV 

1984 The Eyes, the Mouth 

1980 The Leap in the Dark 

1976 Vic­to­ry March 

1975 Fit to Be Untied 

1973 Viol en pre­mière page 

1973 Au nom du père 

1969 Il popo­lo cal­abrese ha rialza­to la testa 

1968 Chi­na Is Near 

1966 Fists in the Pocket

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