Lukas Dhont



Born in Ghent, Bel­gium, he earned a degree in audio-visu­al arts from the KASK Con­ser­va­to­ri­um. His short films Corps Per­du (2012) and L’Infini (2014) received numer­ous prizes, includ­ing an Oscar nom­i­na­tion for L’Infini. In 2016, he par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Cannes Ciné­fon­da­tion Res­i­dence with the script of his first fea­ture Girl. The film was pre­sent­ed two years lat­er at Un Cer­tain Regard and won the Caméra d’Or for Best First Fea­ture as well as unan­i­mous acco­lades. Close, his sec­ond film, won this year the Grand Prize at the Cannes Film Festival.

2022 Close

2019 Girl

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