Ludivine Sagnier



Ludi­vine Sag­nier made her fea­ture debut at age nine in Pas­cal Thomas’s Hus­bands, Wives, Lovers (1989), then appeared in Jean-Paul Rap­pe­neau’s Cyra­no de Berg­er­ac (1990). A grad­u­ate of the Ver­sailles Con­ser­va­to­ry of Dra­mat­ic Arts, she was dis­cov­ered by François Ozon for Water Drops on Burn­ing Rocks (2000) and 8 Women (2002), which earned her the 2003 Romy Schnei­der Prize. She col­lab­o­rat­ed with the direc­tor again on Swim­ming Pool (2003), then in 2007 worked with Christophe Hon­oré on Love Songs, Claude Chabrol on A Girl Cut in Two, and Claude Miller on A Secret. Known for her range, Ludi­vine Sag­nier explores mul­ti­ple gen­res both in France and abroad, where she has col­lab­o­rat­ed with Pao­lo Sor­renti­no, Hirokazu Kore-eda and Rid­ley Scott, among oth­ers. She has also appeared on stage in such clas­sics as Oscar Wilde’s “The Impor­tance of Being Earnest” direct­ed by Jean-Luc Tardieu (1998) and such orig­i­nal works as Christophe Hon­oré’s “Nou­veau roman” (2012), and was nom­i­nat­ed last May for the Best Solo Show Molière for the play adap­ta­tion of Vanes­sa Springo­ra’s “Con­sent.” Also active on stream­ing plat­forms, the actress has been part of sev­er­al inter­na­tion­al series includ­ing The Young Pope (HBO), Lupin (Net­flix), The Ser­pent Queen (Starz) and Franklin with Michael Dou­glas (Apple TV+). She found­ed the act­ing pro­gram at the Kour­tra­jmé Film School in 2020 and has direct­ed it since. Ludi­vine Sag­nier will next appear in François Ozon’s new film When Fall Is Com­ing, and the Boukher­ma broth­ers’ And Their Chil­dren After Them, an adap­ta­tion of Nico­las Mathieu’s epony­mous novel.

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