
Rapper, Singer


“You can do great stuff with next to noth­ing. Ideas are what mat­ter most.”

With his first two albums, Lomepal has become a pil­lar of the French music scene. After the hybrid “FLIP”, triple-plat­inum album, with which name refers to his pas­sion for skate­board­ing, an impor­tant dimen­sion of his dai­ly life which has great­ly inspired his work, the rap­per-singer fol­lowed up with “Jean­nine,” cur­rent­ly a dia­mond album, in which he reveals him­self in a more inti­mate fash­ion, tak­ing on his fame, love affairs and fam­i­ly… turn­ing him­self into a ver­i­ta­ble pop icon, with total inde­pen­dence. In 2019, Lomepal gave his last two con­certs at the AccorHo­tels Are­na, beau­ti­ful­ly con­clud­ing a tri­umphant tour before tak­ing a break.

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