Leslie Iwerks



After grad­u­at­ing USC, she direct­ed and pro­duced her first fea­ture length doc­u­men­tary, The Hand Behind the Mouse: The Ub Iwerks Sto­ry (1999), cen­tered around her grand­fa­ther, the orig­i­nal design­er and co-cre­ator of Mick­ey Mouse. For two decades, her cel­e­brat­ed body of work also encom­pass­es doc­u­men­taries focused on cre­ative titans across var­i­ous indus­tries such as enter­tain­ment, gam­ing, the culi­nary world, and media. She also direct­ed crit­i­cal­ly acclaimed envi­ron­men­tal, polit­i­cal, and human rights doc­u­men­taries, like Recy­cled Life, nom­i­nat­ed in 2006 for the Best Doc­u­men­tary Short Acad­e­my Award.

2023 100 Years of Warn­er Bros. - doc

2019 Sell­ing Lies — doc 

2019 League of Leg­ends Ori­gins - doc

2016 Ella Bren­nan: Com­mand­ing the Table — doc 

2012 Cit­i­zen Hearst — doc 

2009 Dirty Oil — doc 

2007 The Pixar Sto­ry - doc

1999 The Hand Behind the Mouse: The Ub Iwerks Sto­ry - doc

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