Léa Drucker



Trained under Véra Gregh and at ENSATT, Léa Druck­er began her career on stage, per­form­ing notably for direc­tors Roger Hanin, Hans Peter Cloos, Ben­no Besson, Zabou Bre­it­man, Michel Fau and Bernard Murat. She has been nom­i­nat­ed for four Molière Awards, for the plays “Dan­ny and the Deep Blue Sea”, “84 Char­ing Cross Road”, “A Love That Nev­er Ends” and “The Lady from Maxim’s”. In 2017, she played a repressed moth­er in Agnès Jaoui and Jean-Pierre Bacri’s “Kitchen with Apart­ment and “Fam­i­ly Resem­blance. In tan­dem with her rich the­atri­cal career, she per­forms on the big and small screen; she has notably been direct­ed by Cédric Klapisch, Col­ine Ser­reau, Math­ieu Amal­ric, Nadav Lapid, Jérôme Bon­nell and recent­ly Quentin Dupieux in Incred­i­ble But True and Cather­ine Breil­lat in L’été dernier. In 2007, Léa Druck­er won the Best Actress Globe de Cristal for Zabou Breitman’s The Man of My Life. In 2019, she received the Best Actress César for her por­tray­al of a wife vic­tim­ized by her hus­band in Xavier Legrand’s Cus­tody. She will next appear in Lukas Dhont’s Close, win­ner of the Grand Prize at the last Cannes Film Fes­ti­val, Julien Rambaldi’s The Nan­nies and Clo­vis Cornillac’s Couleurs de l’incendie.

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