Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre

Director , Screenwriter


After com­plet­ing a master’s degree in his­to­ry from Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ty in Paris, she moved to New York to attend dra­ma school. She turned to film­mak­ing with two short films, Atlantic Avenue and Rab­bit, which played at major inter­na­tion­al film fes­ti­vals. She attend­ed the 2015 Sun­dance Lab and devel­oped her debut fea­ture The Mus­tang, win­ner of the Sun­dance Institute/NHK Award and the Gotham Award for Break­through Direc­tor. The fin­ished film pre­miered at Sun­dance in 2019. She then direct­ed the pilot and two addi­tion­al episodes of Hulu’s series The Act, two episodes of Mrs. Amer­i­ca, star­ring Cate Blanchett, and two episodes of the anthol­o­gy true crime tele­vi­sion series Amer­i­can Crime Sto­ry. In 2022, Lau­re de Cler­mont-Ton­nerre direct­ed Emma Cor­rin and Jack O’Connell in her sec­ond fea­ture Lady Chatterley’s Lover, based on the D. H. Lawrence’s nov­el and broad­cast on Net­flix last December.

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