Kerem Sanga



He holds a degree in math­e­mat­ics from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas at Austin and an MFA in Writ­ing for the Screen and Tele­vi­sion from The USC School of Cin­e­mat­ic Arts. He direct­ed his first fea­ture film Trig­ger Fin­ger in 2012, fol­lowed by The Young Kies­lows­ki two years lat­er. His third film First Girl I Loved was select­ed in sev­er­al film fes­ti­vals includ­ed Sun­dance where it won the NEXT Audi­ence Award in 2016.

2020 The Vio­lent Heart 2016 First Girl I Loved 2014 The Young Kies­lows­ki 2012 Trig­ger Finger

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