Katie Kitamura
Born in 1979 in California, Katie Kitamura now lives in Brooklyn. Her first two novels, “The Longshot” (2009) and “Gone to the Forest” (2013), were finalists for the New York Public Library’s Young Lions Fiction Award. In 2017, “A Separation,” her first novel translated into French, was published by Stock. “Intimacies,” a best-seller in the United States, was long-listed for the 2021 National Book Award, and appeared on Barack Obama’s Summer Reading List. Katie Kitamura currently teaches writing at NYU.
Katie’s Narrator
Kitamura observes the world without deluding herself. Her narrator lives alone in The Hague, an interpreter for “the Court,” which the reader imagines as the International Criminal Court, where war criminals face judgment. Her best friend lives in a seedy area undergoing gentrification, her lover turns out to be married and the father of two children. She witnesses the trial of an ex-president, and the accused is seductive. Everything is told with precision, her language has no illusions. That’s where her power lies, in her lucid observation of a world that isn’t.
Colombe Schneck for « Madame Figaro »
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