Karidja Touré



Mul­ti­fac­eted artist Karid­ja Touré made a splash in 2014 with her wide­ly-her­ald­ed debut role in Céline Sciamma’s Girl­hood, notably thanks to the scene with Rihanna’s “Dia­monds” on the sound­track, a true hymn to free­dom. Her per­for­mance earned her a Most Promis­ing Actress César nom­i­na­tion the fol­low­ing year. In 2017, she appeared in sev­er­al fea­ture films, includ­ing Mar­tin Provost’s The Mid­wife, along­side Cather­ine Deneuve and Cather­ine Frot, Alexan­dre Castagnetti’s La Colle and Cédric Klapisch’s Back to Bur­gundy. After shoot­ing Petr Václav’s 2018 road movie Skokan, Karid­ja Touré then appeared in Nils Tavernier’s com­e­dy Ima and, more recent­ly, in Julien Paolini’s crime thriller Karmapo­lice, released in French cin­e­mas last July. In the the­ater, Karid­ja Touré act­ed in Albert Camus’ “The Just Assas­sins,” direct­ed by Abd Al Malik at Châtelet (2019), then the play “A Death in the Fam­i­ly,” writ­ten and direct­ed by Alexan­der Zeldin at the Théâtre de l’Odéon (2021), a role she reprised in Gene­va last year.

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