Justin Chon



Born in Orange Coun­ty, Cal­i­for­nia, he worked as an actor for over 20 years and is known world­wide for play­ing Eric Yorkie in all five install­ments of the Twi­light fran­chise. In 2015, he wrote and direct­ed his first fea­ture film, Man Up. His sec­ond film Gook was pre­sent­ed in 2017 in com­pe­ti­tion at Deauville and Sun­dance, where it won the Next Audi­ence Award. After mak­ing Ms. Pur­ple (2019), he direct­ed Blue Bay­ou, his fourth fea­ture film.

2021 Blue Bay­ou 2019 Ms. Pur­ple 2017 Gook 2015 Man Up

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