Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Actor, Screenwriter, Director, Producer


Joseph Gor­don-Levitt is well known to tele­vi­sion audi­ences for his star­ring role on NBC’s award-win­ning com­e­dy series 3rd Rock from the Sun. Dur­ing his six sea­sons on the show, he won two Young Star Awards and shared in three Screen Actors Guild Award nom­i­na­tions for Out­stand­ing Per­for­mance by a Com­e­dy Series Ensem­ble. Fol­low­ing the series, Gor­don-Levitt took a short break from act­ing to attend Colum­bia University. 

Ear­ly in his films career, Gor­don-Levitt won a Young Artist Award for his first major role, in Robert Redford’s dra­ma A Riv­er Runs Through It. He went on to co-star in William Dear’s Angels in the Out­field, Bri­an Gibson’s The Juror, Steve Miner’s Hal­loween H20: 20 Years Lat­er and Gil Junger’s 10 Things I Hate About You

Among Gordon-Levitt’s addi­tion­al film cred­its are the Acad­e­my Award-nom­i­nat­ed Aaron Sorkin film The Tri­al of the Chica­go 7; Hen­ry Joost & Ariel Schulman’s Project Pow­er with Jamie Foxx; the inde­pen­dent thriller 7500, writ­ten and direct­ed by Patrick Voll­rath; Oliv­er Stone’s Snow­den; The Walk, direct­ed by Robert Zemeck­is in which he por­trayed Philippe Petit; The Night Before, direct­ed by Jonathan Levine; Don Jon, which he wrote (Inde­pen­dent Spir­it Award-nom­i­nee for Best First Screen­play) and was his fea­ture film direc­to­r­i­al debut; Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller’s Sin City: a Dame to Kill For; Steven Spielberg’s Oscar-nom­i­nat­ed Lin­coln; Rian Johnson’s Loop­er; The Dark Knight Ris­es, Christo­pher Nolan’s third and final install­ment in the Bat­man series; Pre­mi­um Rush, direct­ed by David Koepp; Jonathan Levine’s 50/50, for which he received a Gold­en Globe nom­i­na­tion; Christo­pher Nolan’s Acad­e­my Award-nom­i­nat­ed action-dra­ma Incep­tion; Marc Webb’s (500) Days of Sum­mer, which was pre­sent­ed at Deauville in 2009 and for which he received Gold­en Globe, Inde­pen­dent Spir­it Award and People’s Choice Award nom­i­na­tions; Spike Lee’s World War II dra­ma Mir­a­cle at St. Anna; the crime dra­ma The Look­out, which marked Scott Frank’s direc­to­r­i­al debut; John Madden’s Kill­shot; Rian Johnson’s award-win­ning debut film, Brick, which was pre­sent­ed in com­pe­ti­tion at Deauville in 2005; Mys­te­ri­ous Skin for writer/director Gregg Ara­ki; and Jor­dan Melamed’s Man­ic with Don Chea­dle. He also adapt­ed the Elmore Leonard short sto­ry “Sparks” into a 24-minute short film that he direct­ed (Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val 2009).

Gor­don-Levitt found­ed HitRecord in 2004 as a web­site and com­mu­ni­ty plat­form that cre­ates and devel­ops art and media col­lec­tive­ly using their web­site where any­one with an inter­net con­nec­tion could upload their records, down­load and remix oth­ers’ records, and work on projects togeth­er, a cre­ative col­lab­o­ra­tion plat­form, which was acquired by Mas­ter­Class in 2022. HitRecord has also pub­lished books, put out records, gone on tour and has screened their work at major fes­ti­vals includ­ing Sun­dance and Toron­to. The half hour vari­ety pro­gram, “Hit Record on TV with Joseph Gor­don-Levitt,” which includ­ed short films, live per­for­mances, music, ani­ma­tion, con­ver­sa­tion and more, earned an Emmy Award for Cre­ative Achieve­ment in Inter­ac­tive Media – Social TV Expe­ri­ence. Their YouTube Orig­i­nals docu-series, “Cre­ate Togeth­er”, which was con­ceived, pro­duced, and released dur­ing quar­an­tine, was select­ed for the Out­stand­ing Inno­va­tion in Inter­ac­tive Pro­gram­ming Emmy Award and its sec­ond sea­son was nom­i­nat­ed for an Emmy for Out­stand­ing Inter­ac­tive Program. 

In 2016, the ACLU hon­ored Gor­don-Levitt with their annu­al Bill of Rights Award for fur­ther­ing diver­si­ty efforts, pro­mot­ing free speech, empow­er­ing women, and oth­er­wise sup­port­ing civ­il rights and lib­er­ties for all Americans. 

Recent­ly, Gor­don-Levitt led the Show­time anthol­o­gy series Super Pumped: The Bat­tle for Uber as Uber founder Travis Kalan­ick and starred in the Apple TV+ series Mr. Cor­man, which he also cre­at­ed and directed. 

Up next, Gor­don-Levitt will star in Mark Molloy’s Net­flix film Bev­er­ly Hills Cop: Axel Foley oppo­site Eddie Mur­phy; the Pot­sy Pon­ciroli indie com­e­dy Prov­i­dence with Lily James and Himesh Patel; and Ama­zon Studio’s upcom­ing thriller Killer Heat direct­ed by Philippe Lacôte. The actor stars next in the John Car­ney-direct­ed fea­ture film, Flo­ra & Son, which pre­miered at the last Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val and will be released glob­al­ly on Apple TV+ this fall. 

2023 Killer Heat Philippe Lacôte

Prov­i­dence Pot­sy Ponciroli

Bev­er­ly Hills Cop: Axel Foley Mark Mol­loy – TV

Flo­ra and Son John Carney

2022 Super Pumped – TV

2021 Mr. Cor­man – TV */**

2020 Les Sept de Chica­go  Aaron Sorkin

Project Pow­er Hen­ry Joost & Ariel Schulman 

2023 Killer Heat Philippe Lacôte

Prov­i­dence Pot­sy Ponciroli

Bev­er­ly Hills Cop: Axel Foley Mark Mol­loy – TV

Flo­ra and Son John Carney

2022 Super Pumped: The Bat­tle for Uber – TV

2021 Mr. Cor­man – TV */**

2020 The Tri­al of the Chica­go 7 Aaron Sorkin

Project Pow­er Hen­ry Joost & Ariel Schulman 

2019 7500 Patrick Voll­rath

2016 Straight Out­ta Oz Col­in Duffy 

Snow­den Oliv­er Stone 

2015 The Mup­pets. – TV

The Night Before Jonathan Levine

The Walk: Rêver plus haut The Walk Robert Zemeck­is

The Mindy Project – TV

2014 Sin City : A Dame to Kill For Frank Miller & Robert Rodriguez – Deauville 2014

2013 Don Jon Joseph Gordon-Levitt *

2012 Lin­coln Steven Spielberg

Loop­er Rian Johnson **

Pre­mi­um Rush David Koepp

The Dark Knight Ris­es Christo­pher Nolan

2011 50/50 Jonathan Levine

2010 Incep­tion Christo­pher Nolan

Elek­tra Luxx Sebas­t­ian Gutierrez

Hes­h­er Spencer Susser

2009 G.I. Joe : The Rise of Cobra Stephen Som­mers

Women in Trou­ble Sebas­t­ian Gutierrez

(500) Days of Sum­mer Marc Webb – Deauville 2009

2008 Kill­shot John Madden

Uncer­tain­ty Scott McGe­hee & David Siegel

Mir­a­cle at St. Anna Spike Lee – Deauville 2009

Stop-Loss Kim­ber­ly Peirce

2007 The Lock­out Scott Frank

2005 Shad­ow­box­er Lee Daniels

Jeux de gangs Hav­oc Bar­bara Kopple

Numb3rs – TV

Brick Rian John­son – Deauville 2005

2004 Mys­te­ri­ous Skin Gregg Araki

2003 Lat­ter Days C. Jay Cox

2001 Man­ic Jor­dan Melamed

2000–2002 The Out­er Lim­its – TV

2000 For­ev­er Lulu John Kaye

Pick­ing Up the Pieces Alfon­so Arau

1999 10 Things I Hate About You Gil Junger

1998 That ‘70s Show – TV

Hal­loween H20: 20 Years Lat­er Steve Min­er

Sweet Jane Joe Gayton

1996–2001 3rd Rock from the Sun– TV

1996 The Juror Bri­an Gibson

1995 The Great Ele­phant Escape George Miller – TV

1994 Angels in the Out­field William Dear

The Road Killers Der­an Sarafian

Holy Mat­ri­mo­ny Leonard Nimoy

1993–1995 Roseanne – TV

1993 Part­ners Peter Weller – TV

Dr. Quinn, Med­i­cine Woman – TV

Les Par­ents que j’ai choi­sis Gre­go­ry K Lin­da Otto – TV

1992–1993 The Pow­ers That Be – TV

1992 A Riv­er Runs Through It Robert Red­ford

Beethoven Bri­an Levant

1991 L.A. Law – TV

Quan­tum Leap – TV

Chi­na Beach – TV

Ply­mouth Lee David Zlotoff – TV

Hi Hon­ey – I’m Dead Alan Myer­son – TV

Changes Charles Jar­rott – TV

La Malé­dic­tion de Collinwood Dark Shad­ows – TV

1990 Mur­der, She Wrote – TV

1989 Set­tle the Score Edwin Sherin – TV 

1988 Sacrée famille Fam­i­ly Ties – TV

Stranger on My Land Lar­ry Elikann – TV 

* Also screen­writer

** Also pro­duc­er

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