Jesse Eisenberg

Actor, Playwright, Writer, Screenwriter, Director


Born in Queens, New York, Jesse Eisen­berg was nom­i­nat­ed for an Acad­e­my Award for Best Actor in 2011 for his por­tray­al of Mark Zucker­berg in David Fincher’s The Social Net­work. Eisenberg’s cred­its include more than 50 oth­er films, such as Dylan Kidd’s Roger Dodger (2002), Noah Baumbach’s The Squid and the Whale (2005), Greg Mottola’s Adven­ture­land (2009), Ruben Fleischer’s Zom­bieland (2009), Kevin Asch’s Holy Rollers, Rev­e­la­tion Prize in Deauville in 2010, Louis Leterrier’s Now You See Me (2013), Richard Ayoade’s The Dou­ble (2013), Kel­ly Reichardt’s Night Moves, Grand Prize at Deauville in 2013, Nima Nourizadeh’s Amer­i­can Ultra (2015), Joachim Trier’s Loud­er Than Bombs (2015), Zack Snyder’s Bat­man v Super­man: Dawn of Jus­tice (2016), Woody Allen’s Café Soci­ety (2016), Kim Nguyen’s The Hum­ming­bird Project (2018), pre­sent­ed at Deauville in 2019, Lor­can Finnegan’s Vivar­i­um (2019), Jonathan Jakubowicz’s Resis­tance, pre­sent­ed at Deauville in 2020, and Zack Snyder’s Jus­tice League (2021).

Eisen­berg is also an acclaimed play­wright and author. He has writ­ten four plays, includ­ing The Spoils, which had a box-office record-break­ing run on West End. He also wrote and starred along­side Vanes­sa Red­grave in his plays “The Revi­sion­ist,” and “Asun­cion.” His play “Hap­py Talk”, star­ring Susan Saran­don and Marin Ire­land, opened in 2019 at the Sig­na­ture The­ater in New York. He is also a fre­quent con­trib­u­tor to “The New York­er”, the author of the col­lec­tion “Bream Gives Me Hic­cups” from Grove Press and the Audi­ble Orig­i­nal “When You Fin­ish Sav­ing the World”, which won Best Orig­i­nal Work at the 2021 Audie Awards.

Eisen­berg recent­ly made his direc­to­r­i­al debut with A24’s When You Fin­ish Sav­ing the World, which pre­miered at the 2022 Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val to glow­ing reviews and screened as part of the Crit­ics’ Week at the 2022 Cannes Film Fes­ti­val. The film is based on the Audi­ble Orig­i­nal of the same name, both of which were writ­ten by Eisenberg.

Upcom­ing, Eisen­berg will play the tit­u­lar char­ac­ter of Toby Fleish­man in the FX lim­it­ed series Fleish­man Is in Trou­ble based on Taffy Brodesser-Akner’s best-sell­ing nov­el of the same name.

Direc­tor & screenwriter

2022 When You Fin­ish Sav­ing the World *


2021 Jus­tice League Zack Snyder

Wild Indi­an Lyle Mitchell Cor­bine Jr.

2020 Resis­tance Jonathan Jakubowicz

2019 Zom­bieland: Dou­ble Tap Ruben Fleis­ch­er

Vivar­i­um Lor­can Finnegan

The Art of Self-Defense Riley Stearns 

2018  The Hum­ming­bird Project Kim Nguyen

2016 Now You See Me 2 Jon M. Chu

Café Soci­ety Woody Allen

Bat­man v Super­man: Dawn of Jus­tice Zack Snyder

2015 Amer­i­can Ultra Nima Nourizadeh

Loud­er Than Bombs Joachim Tri­er

The End of the Tour James Ponsoldt

2013 The Dou­ble Richard Ayoade

Night Moves Kel­ly Reichardt — Grand Prize Deauville 2013

Now You See Me Louis Leter­ri­er

2012 Free Sam­ples Jay Gammill

To Rome with Love Woody Allen

Why Stop Now? Phil Dor­ling & Ron Nyswan­er 

2011 30 Min­utes or Less Ruben Fleischer

2010 The Social Net­work David Fincher

Holy Rollers Kevin Asch — Rev­e­la­tion Prize Deauville 2010 

2009 Soli­tary Man Bri­an Kop­pel­man & David Levien

Zom­bieland Ruben Fleischer

Adven­ture­land de Greg Mottola

2007 The Hunt­ing Par­ty Richard Shepard

One Day Like Rain Paul Todis­co

The Liv­ing Wak­er Sol Try­on

The Edu­ca­tion of Char­lie Banks Fred Durst

2005 Cursed Wes Craven 

The Squid and the Whale Noah Baumbach

2004  The Vil­lage M. Night Shyamalan

2002  The Emperor’s Club Michael Hoffman

Roger Dodger Dylan Kidd

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