Guillaume Nicloux
From experimental films to a film noir trilogy, offbeat comedy to political film, passing by drama and fake documentary, he has built a unique works by exploring all the genres. In 2015, Valley of Love inaugurated a cycle of intimacy where existential quests and passionate love are the principal stakes of his films. In 2018, he wrote and directed his first TV series Twice Upon a Time for Arte/Netflix.
2022 The Lockdown Tower
2019 Thalasso
2017 To the Ends of the World
2016 The Wandering
2015 Valley of Love
2014 The Kidnapping of Michel Houellebecq
2013 The Nun
2010 Holiday
2007 The Key
2006 The Stone Council
2003 That Woman
2002 A Private Affair
1998 The Octopus
1994 Faut pas rire du bonheur
1992 La Vie crevée
1990 Les Enfants volants

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