Garance Marillier



“The actor is a musi­cian and a dancer, he uses both his body and his musi­cal­i­ty in the lines.”

After launch­ing her act­ing career in 2010 in the short films Junior by Julia Ducour­nau and It’s Not a Cow­boy Movie by Ben­jamin Par­ent, Garance Mar­il­li­er teamed up again with her part­ner in crime Julia Ducour­nau for the TV movie Mange (2012), fol­lowed by Raw (2017), the director’s first fea­ture film, which earned her a César nom­i­na­tion for Most Promis­ing Actress. Garance Mar­il­li­er con­tin­ued her ascent the fol­low­ing year with Ad Vitam, a sci­ence-fic­tion series broad­cast on Arte and award­ed at the Series Mania Fes­ti­val, before hit­ting the big screen again in 2019 with the dra­ma Pom­pei, direct­ed by John Shank and Anne Fal­guères. In 2020, she joined the cast of the biopic Madame Claude. Her most recent col­lab­o­ra­tion with Julia Ducour­nau on Titane brought her to the Offi­cial Com­pe­ti­tion at this year’s Cannes Film Fes­ti­val, where the film won the Palme d’Or. Garance Mar­il­li­er just com­plet­ed film­ing on Rue des dames, the sec­ond fea­ture from Hamé and Ekoué, mem­bers of the group La Rumeur.

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