Frederick Wiseman

Director, Stage director


Born in 1930 in Boston, Fred­er­ick Wise­man grad­u­at­ed in law in 1954 from Yale Law School. From his first doc­u­men­tary film, Titi­cut Fol­lies in 1967, he affirmed his basic prin­ci­ples: the absence of inter­views, off-air com­men­tary and addi­tion­al music. Edit­ing, which he car­ries out him­self, is an impor­tant stage in the process of cre­at­ing his films and gen­er­al­ly lasts 12 months. In 1971, in order to guar­an­tee cre­ative inde­pen­dence, he cre­at­ed his own pro­duc­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion com­pa­ny Zip­po­rah Films. He thus pro­duced 46 doc­u­men­tary films which com­pose a mosa­ic por­trait of con­tem­po­rary soci­ety, the Unit­ed States, France and their insti­tu­tions. A real aware­ness of pol­i­tics runs through this essen­tial work which can undoubt­ed­ly be con­sid­ered as “a sin­gle, very long film which would last more than 100 hours”. Fred­er­ick Wise­man also directs two fic­tion films: The Last Let­ter in 2002 and A Cou­ple in 2022; he also works for the the­ater. In Paris, he staged “La belle d’Amherst”, a play by William Luce on the life of Emi­ly Dick­in­son and two plays at the Comédie Française: “Oh les beaux jours” by Samuel Beck­ett and “The last let­ter”, based on a chap­ter of Vas­sili Gross­man­’s nov­el, “Life and Des­tiny”. Fred­er­ick Wise­man has won numer­ous awards, includ­ing four Emmys, a Gold­en Lion for Life­time Achieve­ment at the Venice Film Fes­ti­val in 2014, and an Hon­orary Oscar from the Acad­e­my of Amer­i­can Motion Pic­ture Arts and Sci­ences’ Board of Gov­er­nors in 2016. In 2021, he received the Car­rosse d’or from the SRF for his entire career at the Cannes Film Festival.

2023 Menus-plaisirs 

2022 Un cou­ple 

2020 City Hall 

2018 Mon­rovia, Indiana 

2017 Ex Lib­ris — The New York Pub­lic Library 

2015 In Jack­son Heights

2014 Nation­al Gallery

2013 At Berke­ley

2011 Crazy Horse

2010 Box­ing Gym 

2009 La Danse (le bal­let de l’Opéra de Paris) 

2006 State Leg­is­la­ture 

2004 The Gar­den 

2002 La dernière lettre 

2002 Domes­tic Vio­lence 2 

2001 Domes­tic Violence 

1999 Belfast, Maine 

1997 Pub­lic Housing 

1996 La Comédie-Française (ou l’amour joué) 

1995 Bal­let 

1994 High School II 

1993 Zoo 

1991 Aspen 

1989 Cen­tral Park 

1989 Near Death 

1987 Mis­sile 

1986 Mul­ti-Hand­i­capped 

1986 Blind Adjust­ment & Work 

1986 Deaf 

1985 Race­track 

1983 The Store 

1980 Mod­el

1979 Manoeu­vre

1978 Sinai Field Mission

1977 Canal Zone

1976 Meat

1974 Wel­fare

1974 Primate

1973 Juve­nile Court

1972 Essene

1971 Basic Train­ing

1969 Hos­pi­tal

1969 Law and Order

1968 High School

1967 Titi­cut Follies

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