Félix Lefebvre



Drawn to act­ing from an ear­ly age, Félix Lefeb­vre stud­ied at the Con­ser­va­to­ry of the 8th Arrondisse­ment of Paris before join­ing the Cours Flo­rent free class. He made his screen debut in 2018 in the series The Chalet, broad­cast on France 2, act­ed under direc­tor Sébastien Marnier in School’s Out, and par­tic­i­pat­ed in sev­er­al TV movies and series. In 2020, François Ozon offered him his first cin­e­mat­ic lead­ing role in Sum­mer of 85, in which the young actor played a 16-year-old boy dis­cov­er­ing love along­side Ben­jamin Voisin. His per­for­mance earned him the Lumière Award for Most Promis­ing Actor the fol­low­ing year, as well as a César nom­i­na­tion in the same cat­e­go­ry. Félix Lefeb­vre fol­lowed up with Audrey Estrougo’s Suprêmes (2022), a biopic retrac­ing the his­to­ry of the rap group Suprême NTM, then shared the screen with Cécile de France in Héloïse Pelloquet’s Wild Seas (2022). This year, the actor rejoined François Ozon with the peri­od com­e­dy The Crime Is Mine and will next appear in Del­phine Deloget’s All to Play For, win­ner of the 2023 Prix d’Ornano-Valenti, Mor­gan Simon’s A Free Woman and Simon Moutaïrou’s Ni chaînes ni maîtres.

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