Fatou N’Diaye



“Act­ing in a movie is an engage­ment. It’s not polit­i­cal, but it’s an engage­ment with­in his body, with­in his being.”

Fatou N’Diaye began her career as a mod­el in 1997. She made her first tele­vi­sion appear­ance in 2000 in Daniel Vigne’s Fatou la Mali­enne and appeared lat­er in near­ly a dozen TV movies. From 2013 to 2014, she worked with Frédéric Jardin and Nico­las Guicheteau on Sea­son 5 of series Spi­ral, broad­cast on Canal+. In 2018, she played a lead­ing role in Sea­son 2 of series Mai­son Close, also on Canal+. Fatou N’Diaye debuted on the big screen in 2000 in Alain Chabat’s Aster­ix & Obelix: Mis­sion Cleopa­tra. She then act­ed oppo­site Luc Picard in Robert Favreau’s Cana­di­an fea­ture A Sun­day in Kigali. For her mov­ing per­for­mance in the film, she received the Best Actress Award at the 2006 Mar­rakech Film Fes­ti­val. That same year, she was in David Gleeson’s The Front Line. She played this year the female lead role in the third OSS 117 film, OSS 117: From Africa With Love, direct­ed by Nico­las Bedos.

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