Elias Belkeddar

Director, Screenwriter, Producer


Direc­tor, screen­writer and pro­duc­er work­ing for the pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny Incon­o­clast Films, Elias Belked­dar co-pro­duced, among oth­ers, Antoine de Bary’s Mes jours de gloire (2020) and Romain Gavras’Athena (2022), which he also co-wrote. In 2013, he direct­ed his first short film, Todo se puede, win­ner of the Spe­cial Jury Prize at the Cler­mont-Fer­rand Fes­ti­val. Five years lat­er, he direct­ed his sec­ond short, A Wed­ding Day, shot in Algiers and select­ed for the Crit­ics’ Week where it won the Canal+ Prize for Best Short Film. After direct­ing the music video for the song “Dis­co Maghreb” by DJ Snake, he direct­ed his first fea­ture film, The King of Algiers, with Reda Kateb and Benoît Mag­imel in the main roles, select­ed last year at in the offi­cial selec­tion of the Cannes Film Festival.

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