Eddy de Pretto

Songwriter & singer


Eddy de Pret­to trained in the­atri­cal arts at l’Institut Supérieur des Arts de la Scène in Paris, where he stud­ied singing, act­ing and danc­ing. He began his artis­tic career as an actor, most notably in the the­ater and in Jérôme Enrico’s 2013 film Paulette, before going into music. He took part in numer­ous fes­ti­vals such as Bars en Trans and Le Print­emps de Bourges, where he won the Inouïs Prize, and was an InRocKs Lab win­ner in 2016. His first EP, “Kid,” con­sist­ing of 4 tracks and co-authored by pro­duc­ers Boo­ba and PNL, came out in 2017. His first album, “Cure,” came out in 2018, and reached #1 for top album sales in one week. The album went triple plat­inum. He was nom­i­nat­ed that year for the Vic­toires de la Musique for Per­for­mance Rev­e­la­tion of the Year, then again the fol­low­ing year, most notably for Artist-Per­former of the Year. His music fus­es hip-hop with French vari­ety, and his lyrics expose var­i­ous social prob­lems like homo­pho­bia and tox­ic mas­culin­i­ty. He released his lat­est album, “À tous les bâtards,” in 2021.

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