Denis Villeneuve



Born in Québec, he direct­ed Incendies (2010), Pris­on­ers (2013), Sicario, which was the clos­ing night film at the 2015 Deauville Film Fes­ti­val, and Blade Run­ner 2049 (2017) among oth­ers. He earned a Best Direc­tor Oscar nom­i­na­tion for Arrival (2016). His astute atten­tion to detail and unique visu­als has estab­lished him as one of the pre­mier film­mak­ers work­ing today. Dune, the adap­ta­tion of Frank Her­bert’s sci­ence fic­tion nov­el, is his tenth fea­ture film.

2021 Dune 2017 Blade Run­ner 2049 2016 Arrival 2015 Sicario 2013 Ene­my 2013 Pris­on­ers 2010 Incendies 2009 Poly­tech­nique 2000 Mael­ström 1998 August 32nd on Earth

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