Delphine Deloget



Grad­u­at­ed with a mas­ter’s degree in his­to­ry and a mas­ter in doc­u­men­tary film­mak­ing, she direct­ed doc­u­men­taries which have been select­ed and award­ed in many fes­ti­vals in France and abroad. In 2015, she won the Albert Lon­dres Prize and the Prize for the work of the year award­ed by the Scam for her doc­u­men­tary fea­ture Under the Skin. Her two short films Le Père Noël et le cow­boy (2012) and Tigre (2019) won the CNC Qual­i­ty Prize. All to Play For, pre­sent­ed this year at Un Cer­tain Regard at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val, is her fic­tion fea­ture debut.

2023 All to Play For

2021 L’Homme qui cher­chait son fils — doc

2015 Under the Skin — doc

2008 No Lon­don Today — doc

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