Dayna Goldfine



For over 30 years, Day­na Goldfine cre­at­ed with Dan Geller crit­i­cal­ly acclaimed doc­u­men­taries that braid their char­ac­ters’ indi­vid­ual per­son­al sto­ries to form a larg­er por­trait of the human expe­ri­ence. They received inter­na­tion­al recog­ni­tion with The Gala­pa­gos Affair: Satan Came to Eden (2013) which was pre­sent­ed at the Tel­luride and Berlin film fes­ti­vals. They are mem­bers of the Doc­u­men­tary Branch of the Acad­e­my of Motion Pic­ture Arts and Sci­ences since 2014.

2022 Hal­lelu­jah: Leonard Cohen, a Jour­ney, a Song

2013 The Gala­pa­gos Affair: Satan Came to Eden 

2011 Some­thing Ventured 

2005 Bal­lets Russes 

1999 Now and Then: From Frosh to Seniors 

1996 Kids of Survival 

1994 Frosh: Nine Months in a Fresh­man Dorm 

1989 Isado­ra Dun­can: Move­ment from the Soul

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