Clémence Poésy

Actress, Screenwriter, Director


“The close-up is a world – a reveal­er of souls”

Clé­mence Poésy has worked for over 15 years between France, the U.K. and the U.S., with such direc­tors as Mike Newell (Har­ry Pot­ter and the Gob­let of Fire, 2005), Mar­tin McDon­agh (In Bruges, 2008), Dan­ny Boyle (127 Hours, 2010), Philippe Ramos (The Silence of Joan, 2011), Nico­las Paris­er (The Great Game, 2015), Stan­ley Tuc­ci (Final Por­trait, 2017) and Dominik Moll on the series The Tun­nel, in which she starred as the hero­ine for three seasons.
In 2016, Clé­mence Poésy wrote and direct­ed her first short film, For a Moment, pro­duced by Silex Films and the The Nation­al Opera of Paris for the 3rd Stage plat­form. The film was select­ed by numer­ous fes­ti­vals in France and abroad, includ­ing FID­Mar­seille, Paris Courts Devant and the Aes­thet­i­ca Short Film Fes­ti­val in Eng­land, and received many inter­na­tion­al fes­ti­val awards.
In 2018, she direct­ed her sec­ond short film, King of the Wind Demons, for Cannes Ada­mi Tal­ents, fol­lowed by The Tears Thing, which was select­ed for the 2019 Venice Film Festival.
In 2020, she appeared oppo­site John David Wash­ing­ton in Christo­pher Nolan’s Tenet, and oppo­site Jesse Eisen­berg and Félix Moati in Jonathan Jakubowicz’s Resis­tance, pre­sent­ed at last year’s Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val. She also appears in Laeti­tia Masson’s next film, A Win­ter in Sum­mer, and returns behind the cam­era for an episode of the man­i­festo series H24, to be broad­cast on Arte this fall.
This year, she bared her soul on Dr. Dayan’s couch for the series In Treat­ment, cre­at­ed by Éric Toledano and Olivi­er Nakache for Arte, and co-direct­ed by Nico­las Paris­er, Math­ieu Vade­pied and Pierre Salvadori.
Clé­mence Poésy recent­ly wrapped the U.K. shoot of the new dra­ma series The Essex Ser­pent, adapt­ed from the nov­el by Sarah Per­ry and direct­ed by Clio Barnard, and she is cur­rent­ly writ­ing her first fea­ture film.

Har­ry Pot­ter and the Gob­let of Fire, 2005
In Bruges, 2008
127 Hours, 2010
The Silence of Joan, 2011
The Great Game, 2015
For a Moment, 2016
Alber­to Gia­comet­ti, the Final Por­trait, 2017
King of the Wind Demons, 2018
Christo­pher Nolan’s Tenet, 2020
Jonathan Jakubow­icz’s Resis­tance, 2020

Jury President 2014

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