Christophe Honoré



Born in Brit­tany, Christophe Hon­oré set­tled in Paris in 1994 where he pub­lished “Close to Léo,” his first nov­el. He wrote some 30 children’s books, pub­lished pri­mar­i­ly by L’École des loisirs, but also sev­er­al nov­els for adults. He then col­lab­o­rat­ed on writ­ing screen­plays for Jean-Pierre Limosin (Novo, 2002), Gaël Morel (Three Danc­ing Slaves, 2004 and After Him, 2007), Diastème (Sun­ny Spells, 2008), Mick­aël Buch (Let My Peo­ple Go!, 2011) and Louis Gar­rel (Two Friends, 2014), and moved into direct­ing in 2002 with Sev­en­teen Times Cécile Cas­sard, fol­lowed by Ma mère (2004), Dans Paris (2006) and Love Songs (2007), pre­sent­ed in com­pe­ti­tion at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val. Christophe Hon­oré also adapt­ed “La Princesse de Clèves” into The Beau­ti­ful Per­son (2008), and direct­ed Mak­ing Plans for Lena (2009), Man at Bath (2010), Beloved (2011), Meta­mor­phoses (2014), Sophie’s Mis­for­tunes (2016) and Sor­ry Angel (2018). That film was select­ed in com­pe­ti­tion at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val and won the Louis-Del­luc Prize that same year. The fol­low­ing year, the direc­tor made On a Mag­i­cal Night with Chiara Mas­troian­ni in the lead role, who won Best Actress in Un Cer­tain Regard. In 2021, he direct­ed the Comédie-Française troupe in Guer­mantes, pre­sent­ed at the Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val, then two years lat­er direct­ed Win­ter Boy. In par­al­lel, Christophe Hon­oré has direct­ed his own the­atri­cal plays, includ­ing “Dionysos impuis­sant” (2005) and “Nou­veau roman” (2012), both pre­sent­ed at the Avi­gnon Fes­ti­val, as well as “Les Idol­es” (2018) and “Le Ciel de Nantes” (2021), both of which won the The­atre Crit­ics’ Award. He has also direct­ed sev­er­al operas includ­ing Berlioz’ “The Tro­jans” in Spring 2022 at the Munich Opera. Christophe Hon­oré once again direct­ed Chiara Mas­troian­ni in Mar­cel­lo Mio, pre­sent­ed this year in com­pe­ti­tion at the Cannes Film Festival.

2021 Guermantes
2019 On a Mag­i­cal Night
2018 Sor­ry Angel
2016 Sophie’s Misfortunes
2014 Métamorphoses
2011 Beloved
2010 Man at Bath
2009 Mak­ing Plans for Lena
2008 The Beau­ti­ful Person
2007 Love Songs
2006 In Paris
2004 Ma mère
2002 17 Times Cécile Cassard

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