Charlotte Wells



Born in 1987 in Edin­burgh, Scot­land, she is now based in New York. She wrote and direct­ed three short films as a stu­dent in the MBA/MFA dual-degree pro­gram at New York Uni­ver­si­ty where she was sup­port­ed by the British Acad­e­my of Films and Tele­vi­sion Arts (BAFTA) of New York and Los Ange­les. She fea­tured in 2018 in “Film­mak­er Magazine”’s list of “25 New Faces of Inde­pen­dent Film” and was a Fel­low at the 2020 Sun­dance Insti­tute Screen­writ­ers and Direc­tors Labs. After­sun is her first feature.

2022 Aftersun

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