Cécile Maistre-Chabrol

Director, Producer , Writer


Daugh­ter of a script-girl and an actor, she fol­lowed the same path as her par­ents by see­ing their hap­py faces when they came home from work. She decid­ed to join the stag­ing team on the films of her adop­tive father, Claude Chabrol, and became first assis­tant a few years lat­er. For more than 25 years, Cécile Maistre-Chabrol was also a cast­ing direc­tor, loca­tion scout on some fifty films for cin­e­ma and tele­vi­sion, includ­ing more than 20 films with Claude Chabrol, and radio colum­nist (la “Baronne Gabrielle” with Daniel Morin in the radio show “La Mori­nade” aired on Le Mouv’). After writ­ing a short film her­self, L’Acrobate, she co-wrote one of Claude Chabrol’s films, The Girl Cut in Two (2007). In 2019, she direct­ed and pro­duced her first doc­u­men­tary film, Chabrol, The Mav­er­ick. His first nov­el, “Tor­re­moli­nos”, was pub­lished in 2021 by Lattès.

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