Catherine Corsini



After tak­ing act­ing class­es, she direct­ed three short films. She made her fea­ture debut Pok­er in 1987, then Lovers was pre­sent­ed at the 1994 Cannes Film Fes­ti­val. She became known to a wider audi­ence with The New Eve in 1999. Her next films were all select­ed and award­ed in film fes­ti­vals around the globe. An Impos­si­ble Love, adapt­ed from Chris­tine Angot’s nov­el, received four César Awards nom­i­na­tions in 2019. The Divide was pre­sent­ed in com­pe­ti­tion at the last Cannes Film Festival.

2021 The Divide 2018 An Impos­si­ble Love 2015 Sum­mer­time 2012 Three Worlds 2009 Leav­ing 2006 So Ambi­tious 2003 The Very Mer­ry Wid­ows 2001 Replay 1999 The New Eve 1994 Lovers 1988 Poker

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